Monday, October 15, 2007

And to Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss

I was shocked tonight when Luke enjoyed Dr. Seuss' book And to Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street. He listened quietly and asked me to read it again.

The rhyming is good for him. See Baby Loves.

Baby Loves by William Lach illustrated by Mary Cassat

One of Luke's favorite books is called Baby Loves. Aunt Ruth gave it to him. It's very simple, yet exposes him to the works of artist Mary Cassat.

It's also probably a good for one for pre-reading skills for the following reasons:

1. Rhyming - Research shows that children who can understand about rhyming words have a head start in learning to read and, even more, to spell.

2. Keep a range of easier books with very few words, so that your child can begin to 'read' independently, by remembering a story which he has heard often.